About Jenjoyce

Jenjoyce - Jan 11, 2013

Jenjoyce, knitter of the wild, at home in her woods.

My name is Jen, and this is my old-school blog. I live on a mountain ridge which divides Napa and Sonoma Valleys in Northern California, I enjoy a rustic life in the woods, and am inspired from the wild places around me. I have experienced a renaissance in fiber arts, so I created this blog in 2010 to post the highlights as I learn and evolve through daily diligence of textile craft, and my life in general, almost as pages from an autobiography. I am auntie to two wonderful nieces who have been my knitting motivation since they were little girls, and you can see them about this blog growing up and modeling the knitwear I have designed.  But as they have grown up now, more recently I write about learning to weave, and about rediscovering my sense of home, welcoming new chapters that life brings as we rebuild anew from a devastating wildfire.  As well as knitting, spinning, and weaving, I am out working in the landscape, cooking and baking, and enjoying a simple and somewhat solitary country life.

Read more about what I’m up to . . .

 Jennifer Jekel * Jenjoyce Design *  Napa Valley * California * USA

28 thoughts on “About Jenjoyce

  1. I really enjoy reading your blogs and very envious of your lovely location and life style along with your passion for knitting. I will drop by your blog for a piece of your tranquillity.

  2. Hello…I have just discovered your blog, and am reading all your archives….where you live looks beautiful….I live in Tasmania ( under down under )!! thanks for all the lovely reading… happy knitting from Jane

  3. Knitting in the mountains! Very glad to have found your blog… My sock projects get tucked in my backpack every trip. Will be overdyeing pale blue sport weight this week, pounds of it. Thank you for non-intentional inspiration!

  4. I am delighted to buy some of your lovely patterns . I hope this request goes viral to knitting groups and you are able to share that your pattern sales brought you a sense of connectedness to all knitters who shudder to think of all that you have lost. I first learned about you though a post on the facebook group site for “Friday Knitters at Coffee garden.” And, I will post on Ravelry my completed projects.
    May the force be with you.

  5. Jen, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your home….as did one of my friends who also lives on Mt. Veeder…I will do what I can to let it be known that your knitting patterns are available for sale….and I hope to see you smiling again, knitting and playing mandolin, soon…
    Wishing you the best….

  6. Hi, I am nearby neighbor in Northern California and a frequent visitor to the Mayacamas range. My son just returned from travels in South America. He was teaching English to college students in Columbia. He traveled during his free time and was kind enough to purchase several colors of alpaca yarn for me while he was in Peru.

    I am looking forward to using your pattern(s) with this lucious yarn to make a chullo for him (and possibly a scarf/cowl for me if there is enough yarn leftover)

  7. I live on the North York Moors in England and am trying to buy your pattern of Dicey Highland hat (from Ravelry) to knit for my friend Alice in return for the many favours she does for me. Is there a way i get get this pattern if I don’t live in USA?

      • I have just bought a Peacock wheel which only has one bobbin and is missing the metal sticks that go into the holes at the front of the wheel. I am wondering how I can get those missing parts.
        I have loved reading all the comments and seeing the beautiful garments.
        I live in Wellington, New Zealand
        August 27, 2020 at 8:55pm

        • Jane, best of luck finding your parts, but I have no idea how . I know those wheels were made in New Zealand, so at least you are ahead of the game there.

  8. Hi Jen
    I am so glad I discovered your patterns! Love them! About 2 weeks ago I ordered the Calidez Vest and paid with my visa card through pay pal but have not yet received the pattern. Just wondering if it has been sent yet. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you

  9. What a beautiful website! I am reading an Ann Cleaves novel about Shetland. When she mentioned “knitting while walking”, carrying backpacks filled with peat, I did a search. And your website popped up. I do not knit, but belong to a prayer shawl group with several talented knitters. (Crochet is my schtick.) Thank you for the lovely! I passed the link along. Kathy H., Farmington, Minnesota

  10. Hi Jenjoyce, Your site is really beautiful! I was wondering, do you sell the Christmas chullos? I absolutely LOVE jenjoycedesignc2a9-xmas-chullos-for-ef-7 and jenjoycedesignc2a9-xmas-chullos-for-ef-10 and would love to buy them from you if you do that. I do not know anyone who knits so as you love knitting so much, I am hoping you would make one or both for me? Thanks, Radha

  11. Hello from a not-so-distant neighbor! I live in Nevada County! I just acquired a peacock spinning wheel, and while searching for information on it, I came across your lovely site!! Your work is amazing!! I look forward to reading more on your site. Cyndi

  12. Your work is lovely! Would you consider bespoke pipers hose for a pipe band? I am our band’s quartermaster and tasked with finding a knitter that could craft better hose for us.

    • I am so honored that you approached me, however, I could not pull that off , and I hope you find knitters near you who could do the job properly! I adore pipe music, and wish you luck!

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