Walktober, and tastes from the kitchen…

Walking almost every day this October, and trying to increase distance too. But who says life has got to be so hard? With all the walking I’m doing, I’m really upping my culinary skills; baking bread constantly, experimenting making wonderful things, things I have never done before . . . such as making ricotta, then making ravioli with it, or even put it into icecream. Focusing on the old-fashioned way of things, like toasting hazelnuts then grinding into a paste with mortar & pestle, (then making into icecream). Oh, on the subject of icecream, I learned recently a trick from my Argentine friend, how to make their national favorite dulce de leche! The Argentines simply boil a can of unopened sweetened condensed milk for a couple of hours, and it cooks in the can and magically turns into thick caramel sauce! Of course, I mix that with about 2 cups of whole milk, and 2 cups of cream, then churn freeze into an absolutely delicious and very rich Dulce De Leche icecream. So, like I said, lots of treats to balance out all of the walking. . . this is definitely turning into my favorite month of the year all over again.

4 thoughts on “Walktober, and tastes from the kitchen…

    • Hi Regina, notice this is back in October? I had it sitting around in drafts (as I did the Speed Tweed Spun one I posted earlier) and just now decided to publish, at the risk of confusing everyone 🙂 Its true, the Argentines are wild about the dulce de leche, and my friend gave me those instructions himself, as if they all do it this way. So try it! Hope you’re having a lovely holiday season ~~ xx

      • Oh, I should say as a disclosure…. careful to cool the can of boiled sweetened condensed milk turned magically to thick caramel, it will spurt out and hot caramel goes everywhere (like I did), and could burn, so cool it as long as you think you can wait. 🙂 I loved it so much I ended up doing it again, boiling two cans , having one to put back in my pantry!

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