Adélaïde at the castle.

If you’ve been following this series, you’ll know that Adélaïde was the name of the historic botanical artist Pierre-Joseph Redouté , and about whom I posted previously, and her story is that she grew up to be a painter in her own right, just as her father. When I finished the daughter variation of the pattern in the beginning of December, knowing I wanted my niece to model it, I put it in a drawer and it has been waiting to be properly photographed. Well amidst the Christmas flurry of plans, the moment arose with the timing of perfection; the moment when my niece was free, home on her winter break from university, and the moment where the steady forecast of rain cleared for the afternoon, so we got in our cars and shot from opposite ends of the Mayacamas range, toward the castle, the approximate halfway point between, and nailed a perfect photo shoot in a very short time. The sweater is quite small, knit and designed for a young girl of eleven, and barely able to be worn by my niece, who is now a seemingly tall woman of twenty . . . but as the art gods are always on our side it seems, with a little tugging adjustments on the sweater between shots, we managed to wonderfully stage Adélaïde, the Daughter of Redouté Roses for its unveiling. Very pleased am I to see the lovely botanical motifs captured with the stone of the castle, the best place ever to show off the knitted things, and I’m so grateful for the beautiful spontaneous moments shared with my niece!


♠    ♠    ♠

See all posts Redouté Roses

4 thoughts on “Adélaïde at the castle.

  1. She is such a darling to jump and run to meet Auntie Jen. I love the shot of her looking over her shoulder. Very “Adelaide”. and the striped socks with the boots. Just LOVE it! Classical beauty meets Millenial. Its a perfect match.

  2. The girls, Miss Twenty and Adelaide are just beautiful! So are the photos as usual. I’ve started Momma Redoute’ sweater last week and hope my color choice of yellow roses with pink edges looks pretty. Thank you so very much for all your hard work. I love it all. ❤️V

    • You are a colossal knitting support Virginia, and I am on the edge of my seat, ready to have my socks blown off by your finished sweater! Thank you so much, and may the new year bring you ever better spinning and knitting! xx

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