A fiber mill.

I bought an Ashford drum carder, because I really need one, and it should be here soon. After moving back home I began collecting fiber to spin; interesting roving by the mile, a palette of solid wool colors for blending, artful hand-dyed braids too, and novelty fibers to explore, as I was very anxious to get back into Tweed Chronicles, to blend and spin till the cows come home.

To add, earlier this year a friend gave me a raw fleece. I let it soak outside for the month of April, before rinsing it and letting it dry, not wanting to bring it into the house until it was completely clean and odorless, which it was not, it needs still further washing. Since May it has sat in that tub outside, a dry fluff of wool that the birds have enjoyed for nest lining. I realized that my work space and creative flow had become “fiber bottlenecked”, and can not allow it inside. I really hope this new addition to my loft studio will inspire me to get things flowing again with blending and spinning, and making.

Juno, who hangs out with me in the loft, agrees that it is about time I joined in on the fur fun !