Sun Into Libra

Sun has gone into Libra, and it is the Autumn equinox. My traditional photo on this same day, in the same hour, for years now , always evokes such rich memories in me. Celebrating with the light and shadow of the beams, as they glow in the rays of the sinking sun of late afternoon, marking such a meaningful time for me, the transition into the cooler months ahead, and rain is imminent! Wishing a happy equinox to all.

Sun Into Libra

Sun has transitioned into Libra, on this day, my absolute favorite day of the year. The light & shadow look so dramatic and dreamy from this angle looking up into the rafters & roofbeam, and thus this place has become my signature Autumn Equinox photo for five years (not including the two years we were living in the Tiny House) and it is remarkable how each year the photo is different for one reason or another. It is thoroughly healing to see it as at last become so similar to the first. Happy equinox everyone !

Sun Into Libra

Sun has entered Libra, and I imagine rains coming, with a frantic sort of glee. Even though this year is like recent years, the dryest time, and most wildfire prone place on earth it seems to me, yet my mind remembers Autumn to be an awakening of moss, of first soft rains, of dewy grasses on the wayside of morning walks, and the papery leaves falling to the ground, speckled. I hope very soon a cooling trend, and I throw the memories of seasons passed into the compost as dried flowers. My mark of the equinox seems to be well expressed by the light & shadow in the posts & beams, and so I have gotten into an Autumn Equinox series I suppose, by recapturing the same scene every year. My favorite Autumn, and wishes for everybody a happy time!

Sun Into Libra

The sun has gone into Libra. I have attempted to replicate a photo I posted on the Autumn Equinox 2017, and about two weeks after that original photo was posted, our house had burned to ashes in the Nuns Wildfire.  In the many months following the fire, it was that very post that I gazed at with such a heavy heart of grief and longing.  But today is the day of days!  As I photograph  the same angle of the new rebuilt house, at same time of day,  on the same day of the year, I recapture  the warmth of that moment again, as the lazy equinox sun sinks low in the afternoon to the west.  I feel like I’ve come full circle,  having just posted it up to date, home again with everything in its place (sans ceiling fan and squiggly iron rail),  not quite finished but very cozy. I am kind of collapsing into a fuzzy warm celebratory mood, a bit weary of the long journey back to my House of Light & Shadow, although I am nothing but colossally grateful.  Happy Equinox everyone!

Sun Into Libra

jenjoycedesign© sun in Libra

Late morning light is pouring in through the southern skylight and the roof beams glow as the sun enters into Libra.  On this equinox there are equal hours of day as there are of night, and that is indeed something to mark in the marching of time and of earth’s unwavering spinning around the sun, so I say ~~ Hello Autumn, please come in and make yourself comfortable!

Happy equinox everyone!