Jenjoyce’s Pin-Striped Fingerless Mitts !!!

jenjoycedesign©Jenjoyce's Pin-striped Fingerless Mits
Hey look, its my latest and greatest accomplishment  !

Okay , so you have seen me make a zillion of these since before Christmas, and I just couldn’t tire of them, then Lizzi convinced me to write this pattern.  You must have noticed the commotion over there in the sidebar with  my “Thought For The Day” screaming jubilantly about having written my first knitting pattern  ever , and the new advertising of a free download !!!!  Well, the odd thing is now I really don’t see as why I should stop. This is a strange and new concept. I was totally blown away that before I even sent the pattern draft of a pdf to Morrie, she had already cast on to test-knit it. We chatted through the afternoon on gmail, as she test-knit away and as I knit up the above pair, while discussing the wording, the nature of  ‘ jogless-ness ‘ , helix effect,  and other such puzzles of the universe. Then the very next morning early with light just peeking through the sky window of my loft, I photographed these against the newly painted wall, and then  I hurriedly slapped it up on Ravelry.   In one day friends, the little “Pin-Striped Mitts” got over forty ‘favorite’ hearts on my Ravelry activity , many queued, one project even finished (I see you Morrie!) … and a whole lot of ’em dowloaded ! And boy did that really make my heart melt into a big puddle !  Excuse me folks for being so giddy, it just that for now, it’s all just a really big deal !!!



Free Pattern on Ravelry over HERE

19 thoughts on “Jenjoyce’s Pin-Striped Fingerless Mitts !!!

  1. lovely pattern ; ) I am going to go to ravelry now to look at it. And I am already thinking of what yarns I have that could be knit up for mitts.
    It’s quite an accomplishment to write out your own instructions. While knitting an object comes naturally it is hard to describe the act of knitting clearly and simply.

    • Hello and thank you ! I just looked back at your blog space and see by first glance of the front page that you’ve knit up a bunch of seriously well-made whimsical delights ! Nice to meet you too, and thanks for peeking in ! 🙂

  2. That IS a big deal, congratulations! A well written knitting pattern is no easy feat, it gives appreciation for others who do it all the time and it’s self validating too. And they are cute mitts to boot.

  3. Thank you for visiting me at my little blog! I love your fingerless mitts, I have just returned to knitting, it has been a few years. Lois from Ontario

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